Wednesday 6 June 2012

Motivation - how do you do it?

I've just been looking over my early posts namely New year, new me (again). One of my resolutions was to lose weight and get fit. The losing weight started off really well with me losing 8lbs in 3 weeks. On January 21st I suddenly lost my daddy so dieting was the last thing on my mind and I put about a stone on rather quickly and it is proving to be very difficult to shift.
I finally joined a gym in April and I have been going frequently, however I have not lost any weight. My eating is pretty good, I do occasionally eat more than I should (no more than once a week) but generally I am pretty healthy so it is very frustrating to say the least!!
I think I need to get motivated to exercise more as I frequently can't be bothered (like now).
I'm at the moment trying to psyche myself up for a gym visit when hubby gets home in 40mins. Trouble is I hate going in the evenings as it is just so busy there. I had talked myself out of it and decided to go in the morning until I logged on to Facebook and saw someone I use to be so much thinner than looking like my old self!
I can't have this! I won't have this! I am going to the gym!!
We all need a little motivational inspiration from time to time. What gets you going when you really can't be bothered?
Have we all got this competitive streak of vanity lurking beneath the surface??

H x


  1. I'm afraid at the moment if I can't be bothered, I generally don't do. I have never been much of a gym go-er, but I do need to start doing some exercise & don't really know where to start. With my little one finding the time is a bit of a struggle too. So if you find some moivation - let me know where!

  2. My best motivator so far has been old pics of a younger, fitter me. Best of all is pics of people that used to look far worse than me looking better than me - terrible I know but I just can't allow this to continue! If the weather picks up walking is such good exercise and easy with little ones.
